Wednesday 27 January 2016

TV Drama Analysis

How is the genre of TV crime drama shown in the clip. (Mise-en-scene, characters, props, themes, sequences)
The genre is shown through the use of setting. The scene is set in a police station, specifically in the interview room, which reinforces the crime genre. The main characters present are two police officers and a suspected criminal. These are typical aspects of the crime genre.

Give examples of how camera angles and shots have been used effectively.
Low angle shots are used which show the police officer talking down to the interviewee and shows how much power the officer has over the interviewee. Within the clip close up shots are used to show emotion on the interviewees face. Another close up shot focuses on the tissue which is in the interviewee's hand. This is purposely done in order to show what the police would be looking for. In this case the close up of his hands holding the tissue in fact shows he is not fidgeting or showing any signs of being nervous.

How has meaning been created through the performance of the actors?
Throughout the clip the power between characters changes. At the beginning the police have the power which is shown through the interviewee looking down and not making eye contact with the police. However, by the end of the interview the interviewee has confidence. He stands up, makes eye contact with the police officer and states he will be taking legal action on the surveillance van which is parked outside his house unless it is removed.

Assess the use of sound in the clip. 

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