Monday 18 January 2016

Analysing moving images - revision

Possible moving images in exam:
-Film trailer 
-Clip from a TV show eg. game show, soap opera, news programme.
-TV adverts
-Games trailer 
-Music video 
-Clip from a film 
-Party Political Broadcast 

Possible ways that a moving image communicates meaning to its audience: 
-Mise en scene: setting, costume, lighting and character appearance. 
-Semiotics: verbal and non verbal communication, denotations and connotations.
-Narrative (how the story unfolds)
-Genre (the type of product and the signifiers of which genre it belongs to)
-Technical codes: camerawork, lighting and editing.
-Sound: diegetic, non diegetic, sound effects.
-Codes: action, enigma, cultural, symbolic.
-Codes and conventions: the way things are normally done in products of this kind. 
-Tone of voice
-Facial expressions

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