Friday 16 October 2015

Language, Audience and Representation - Consolidation Task

The masthead is at the top of the magazine slightly covered by the model which suggests that the magazine is well known and confident in itself as the full title doesn't need to be visible for people to recognise what it is. Surrounding the sides of the magazine cover are secondary articles which give an insight as to what the magazine includes and implies to the audience that the magazine contains a lot of information. The colour scheme is black, red and white. The colour red is bold and masculine which highlights the important articles and also adds a modern tone to the magazine. The bright red colour also contrasts with the other colours that are used. The feature article photograph is Jay-Z, he is placed central on the cover facing the camera and making eye contact, which is directly addressing the audience. Jay-Z is wearing a black and white suit which portrays the magazine as sophisticated and professional. This links in with the secondary article placed on the left hand side of the model saying 'Smart Business'.

The demographic audience for this GQ magazine would be men aged 20-35. Furthermore, the psychographic audience for this magazine would be business men who are interested in professional wear. Also men who are interested in cars as the cover features the 'GQ Drive' article.

The model on the magazine cover, Jay Z, is dressed in a suit which makes him look sophisticated. Also, he is stood slightly leaning to the side and the smile on his face makes him look relaxed and approachable. This challenges the stereotype of black rap artists who are commonly stereotyped as aggressive, often wearing a baseball cap, gold chains and casual wear. Black rap artists stereotypically have unfriendly facial expressions, whereas the model on this cover is the opposite.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely presented work Marnie, very good analysis. Try to get into the habit of using terminology, especially connotation to explain the interpretations and the meanings behind what you see.

    You might also discuss why you think that they have chosen a famous person on the cover and how this helps to attract the audience
