Wednesday 9 September 2015

Connotations and denotations

For my film poster I have chose the horror film A Nightmare On Elm Street, the colour scheme of this poster is black and red. The designer of the poster has chose this as red has connotations of danger and blood which gives you an idea of what the film is going to be about. The designer also uses black as this colour has connotations of death and creates a sense of mystery which gives you a further insight on what the film is about. On the poster there is a woman on the floor with a look of fear in her face which suggests the figure stood tall behind her is haunting her. The fact that the figure behind her is stood tall shows that he takes pride in his work. Furthermore the figure is wearing a dark outfit which implies that he works at night where he can hide in the shadows. Finally, the light coming from the window outlines the figure suggesting that he is the prominent character.

For my game cover I have chose the game dishonored, the main colour scheme is black and grey suggesting that this is a dark game as both of the colours used are dark. Furthermore, black has connotations of death which suggests that this game involves death.

1 comment:

  1. Some well made and insightful points and clear understanding of the use of connotations to analyse printed media texts.

    Literacy point- your second analysis says "I have chose...". It should be "I have chosen...". There are marks given for quality of written communication in most A Level subjects (not just English) so take the time to ensure that you are trying your best with literacy.
