Monday 14 September 2015

Codes and conventions

For my chosen magazine I have used cosmopolitan, which follows all the codes and conventions of a magazine cover. It has a masthead at the top of the page and a pug in the top right hand corner. This magazine cover also has a feature article photograph of Angelina Jolie in the middle with a headline linked to it. It displays the date and price and also the barcode. Furthermore, there are secondary articles around the side of the cover which give you an insight to what is going to be in the magazine. However, on this magazine cover there is no puff used. 

The mode of address for this magazine is informal as it uses informal language such as 'sex' and calls people by their first name only, for example 'Angelina' rather than 'Angelina Jolie'. The colour scheme of the magazine cover is blue, yellow and white. These are all bright colours suggesting that this is an uplifting and engaging magazine.


  1. Well done Marnie, you are showing good understanding of the codes and conventions of the magazine medium here and you have used the appropriate terminology well too.

    Remember when you are suggesting interpretations of aspects of the cover, for example the use of colours, you should aim to use connotation as the analytical device.

  2. In the future I will use the word 'connotations' and 'connotes'.
