Monday 7 December 2015

Audience questions

Choose three different media products covering three different media 
Outline 2 target audiences for each 
Using your own examples outline how audiences respond differently 

For my first media product I have chosen the The Sun newspaper. One target audience for this would be men aged 18-30, particularly working class and less educated men. This is because in this newspaper stories and articles are put into a simple form. Another target audience of The Sun could be those who are fans of football as the newspaper includes many articles about about and involving football.
The second media product I have chosen is a Vogue magazine cover, the edition which features Beyonce on the front cover.  One target audience of this magazine would be women as it includes articles about different topics which interest women. One of the main topics is fashion, the cover i ncludes many secondary articles associated with fashion such as 'Strong and sexy suits' and 'Shockingly chic accessories'. Another topic which is present in the secondary articles is influential women. For example 'Gabrielle Giffords - Fighting for gun control' , 'Phoebe Philo - The woman behind the cult of celine' and 'Beyonce - Rules the world'. These all attract a female audience. A second target audience for this product would be those who are fans of Beyonce. As she is the feature article photograph it suggests that there is lots of information on Beyonce included within the magazine therefore fans will be attracted to it.

The third media product I have chosen is Coronation Street. One target audience of this would be women aged 35-50. This is because the programme deals with issues that this age range can relate to such as family issues and everyday problems. A second target audience would be those who are a fan of this particular genre and enjoy watching soap operas.