Wednesday 25 November 2015

Revision Notes

Visual codes ( What you can see, especially non verbal communication )
Eg. Use of colour, the way people are dressed, facial expressions
-The model is centred on the magazine cover directly addressing the audience by making eye contact with the camera, drawing the audience in. She is stood with her hand on her hip showing confidence and power. The model is good looking and 'flawless' in order to attract people to the magazine. The fact the model is slightly revealing could also attract a male audience.
-The colours used, pink and yellow, are feminine colours in order to attract the female audience. The fact the model has a black dress on makes her stand out from the other colours used on the cover.
-Black has connotations of power and strength which in this case represents female power, representing women in a strong way.

Technical codes ( Use of cameras/lighting)
-Medium shot used so that the model can lift her dressing partially showing her thigh in order to reinforce the sexy look which is being portrayed.

Layout and design (Codes and conventions)
-Masthead across the top of the cover, partially covered by the models head suggesting that the magazine is well known and has confidence in itself.
-Pug in top right hand corner.
-Secondary articles giving an insight into what the magazine includes.
-Headlines giving the main articles.
-Feauture article photograph of Beyonce.

Language (Verbal communication)
-Use of alliteration in the headline 'Sex Skills'.
-The language used attracts a female audience, for example 'How to snag any man you want'.
-Language used focuses on sex, for example 'Sex Skills' and  'Sex habits that harm your relationship'.
-Informal language such as '10 times it's okay to be a bitch'.

-The genre for Cosmopolitan would be womens general interest magazine.
-Generic signifiers:
Secondary articles related to women such as 'Guys reveal the most mind blowing bedroom moves women have ever tried' and 'Tight butt abs and thighs' which are related to females.
-The colours used, pink and yellow, are feminine.
-Feature article photograph is a well known female model.

Audience - 
-Identify two target audiences for this magazine.
The demographic audience for this magazine would be women aged 18 - 30.
The psychographic audience for this magazine would be women who are interested in stories focusing on celebrities and relationships. Also women who are image conscious as one of the articles focuses on 'Tight butt abs and thighs'.

-Take one of these audiences and explain how the producers have targeted that audience.
The producers have targeted the female audience through the use of the model on the front cover, Beyonce is a well known celebrity which some females aspire to be like due to the way she is represented. The colours used are pink and yellow which again target women as they are seen as feminine colours.

-Use your own examples to explain how media products attract an audience.

Audience placement
Mode of address
How it's advertised